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Executive Links History About Home | A message to new members We would like to welcome you to LL 2583 of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers. We are writing you this letter to give you facts about the Union. We represent all non-salaried employees. Once you complete your 3 month probationary period you will be protected by a Union Contract which members have worked and fought for and continue to strive to improve. The present wage scale, the paid holidays and vacations, the medical insurance and other contract provisions which benefit you and your family are the result of union effort. You will be receiving a collective agreement (if you have not already). We suggest you have a look through your Collective Agreement and review its contents, it may answer many questions you have about your union contract. You will also be protected by the grievance procedure in the contract. If you have a grievance or a problem on the job, try to resolve this issue with your boss and if you are not satisfied, see a Shop Steward or member of your shop committee. For a list of your Shop Stewards, see your Executive and Committee's link. We cannot continue to make progress with out the help of every member. We hope that you will attend your Union meetings and learn about our activities and stay informed. Regular meetings are held the third Wednesday of every month at 4:15 P.M. at the Port ‘O Call Inn (1935 McKnight Blvd N.E.). Keep your eye on the Union Bulletin Boards for meeting postings. Soon after you fill out a membership application and become a member you will receive the IAM JOURNAL (a bimonthly publication) at your home. It contains Union News, information on various programs and interesting articles on subjects of interest. We think you will find it informative and educational. You may also check our websites at… http://www.iamaw.ca/index2.html or http://www.iamaw.org/. You may also get updates, meeting information and other Union information on our Union Bulletin Boards located at the Main Hanger in the Lunch Room, in the Manufacturing/Machine Shop Lunch Room, and in the Paint Shop Lunch Room. You may keep yourself updated by reading the Union Bulletin board at your break times (or any other time during your own time). Also check back regularly on the LL2583 Web Site. We hope that you feel free to contact your lodge officers at any time you feel the Union can be of help to you. Fraternally Yours, Marc Gervais, LL 2583 President | Why Union? Message To New Members Are you moving? |